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      270 E. Main Street,
      Suite 200
      Gallatin, TN 37066

      Renal Stone Prevention

      Kidney stone disease is a relatively common problem. 19% of men and 9% of women will be diagnosed with a kidney stone by age 70. 75% of all stones are calcium stones and about 10% are pure uric acid stones. Adequate calcium intake is however important, to prevent kidney stones. Prevention of renal stones is what we try to help you achieve.

      Several risk factors can cause kidney stones and few are mentioned below:

      • High level of Parathyroid hormone (different from thyroid hormone)
      • High calcium and / or oxalate in urine
      • Bowel problems that lead to poor absorption of nutrients: Crohns disease, bowel resection, bypass for obesity
      • High dose of vitamin C
      • Low citrate (found in fruits) levels
      • Low fluid intake, obesity
      • Medical conditions like diabetes and "sponge kidney"

      You can prevent NEW kidney stones with the following measures:

      • High fluid intake so that you make 2 liters of urine per day (68 ounces per day)
      • Coffee, tea and alcohol may have lower risk of stones
      • Do not drink cranberry juice in large amounts (1 liter / day or 68 ounces per day)
      • Avoid sugar sweetened beverages and colas
      • Avoid excessive animal protein with a history of calcium stones
      • Increase most fruits and vegetables except star fruit, spinach, rhubarb, potatoes
      • Avoid nuts and legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, etc.)
      • Reduce salt intake and increase potassium intake
      • Limit sucrose and fructose (sugars in your diet)
      • Adequate calcium intake is still important, about 1200 mg / day

      The degree to which the risk factors contribute to stone disease varies in different people.

      To get more information about renal stone prevention, or you're looking to ask a question, or request an appointment, please fill out the contact form below. You may also email care@mykidneymtn.com, call (615) 452-3250 or click here.

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